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یک سال جستجو 2012


ویدیو را تماشا کنید


  1. Hurricane Sandy

  2. Kate Middleton Pictures Released

  3. Olympics 2012

  4. SOPA Debate

  5. Costa Concordia crash


  1. Whitney Houston

  2. Kate Middleton

  3. Amanda Todd

  4. Michael Clarke Duncan

  5. One Direction

Performing Artists

  1. Whitney Houston

  2. Michael Clarke Duncan

  3. One Direction

  4. Donna Summer

  5. Lana Del Rey


  1. Gangnam Style

  2. Somebody That I Used to Know by Walk off the Earth

  3. KONY 2012

  4. Call Me Maybe featuring Justin Bieber

  5. Obama vs. Romney Epic Rap Battles of History

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