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Year in Search 2012


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  1. iPad Mini

  2. Galaxy S3

  3. Galaxy Note 2

  4. Galaxy S2

  5. HTC One X

How to...

  1. How to rock

  2. How to DJ

  3. How to skateboard

  4. How to rap

  5. How to harmonize

Image Searches

  1. MRT Map

  2. Justin Bieber

  3. Kate Middleton

  4. Trollface

  5. Liam Payne


  1. Jeremy Lin

  2. Lee Kuan Yew

  3. Whitney Houston

  4. Kate Middleton

  5. Amy Cheong


  1. Olympics 2012

  2. Gangnam Style

  3. SOPA

  4. Legoland Malaysia

  5. Zerg Rush


  1. Gangnam Style

  2. Payphone

  3. Titanium

  4. Super Bass

  5. Drive By

What is...?

  1. What is SOPA

  2. What is Scientology

  3. What is LTE

  4. What is YOLO

  5. What is Gangnam

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