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Year in Search 2014


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Global People

  1. Jennifer Lawrence

  2. Michael Schumacher

  3. Schapelle Corby

  4. Iggy Azalea

  5. Renee Zellweger

Digital / Internet Lingo

  1. Tinder

  2. Goat Simulator

  3. Bitcoin

  4. Doge

  5. Ello

News items of 2014

  1. Malaysian Airlines Crash

  2. Cyclone Lusi

  3. Scottish Independence

  4. Alex From Target

  5. Ukraine News


  1. FIFA World Cup

  2. Robin Williams

  3. Commonwealth Games

  4. Malaysia Airlines

  5. iPhone 6


  1. Lorde

  2. Aaron Smith

  3. Rachel Smalley

  4. Lisa Lewis

  5. Mark Hunt

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