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Year in Search 2018


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What is…?

  1. What is Bitcoin

  2. What is mycoplasma bovis

  3. What is my IP address

  4. What is Diwali

  5. What is Matariki

How to...?

  1. How to delete Instagram accounts

  2. How to screenshot on mac

  3. How to take a screenshot

  4. How to lose weight fast

  5. How to draw a rose


  1. Mac Miller

  2. Greg Boyed

  3. Avicii

  4. Anthony Bourdain

  5. Stephen Hawking

Global Figures

  1. Demi Lovato

  2. Khloe Kardashian

  3. Logan Paul

  4. Freddie Mercury

  5. Olivia Newton John


  1. Johnny Danger

  2. Jacinda Ardern

  3. Stan Walker

  4. Jami Lee Ross

  5. Simon Bridges


  1. Keto diet NZ

  2. CSIRO diet

  3. 123 diet

  4. Mediterranean diet

  5. Ketogenic diet


  1. Vegan recipes

  2. Keto recipes

  3. Chicken breast recipes

  4. Vegetarian recipes

  5. Fettuccine recipes

News Events

  1. Census NZ

  2. Cyclone Gita

  3. Royal Wedding

  4. Thai cave rescue

  5. Jacinda Ardern baby


  1. World Cup

  2. Stuff news NZ

  3. Commonwealth Games

  4. Census NZ

  5. Cyclone Gita

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